How to Carry Someone Who is Unconscious – a poem

April is both National Poetry Month and Occupational Therapy month, so as an OT professor who is also a poet, would like to share with you my reading of a poem from my collection Yearnful Raves that speaks to what it means to do and teach a caring profession. (Please forgive the scruffy covid hair!)

6 thoughts on “How to Carry Someone Who is Unconscious – a poem

  1. I stand in awe of professionals who are brave enough and strong enough to perform these potentially life-saving maneuvers. Just becoming aware of the sequenced strategy is AWEsome! Once again, your gift with words leaves me speechless.


    • Thank you Ginger – so glad you like this one. It is all complicated, most especially by that decision of the heart, to engage. And that’s the hardest thing to teach – if it can be taught – too. Have a great weekend!


  2. Well said! Its great to hear you read the poem- gives it life. And the scruffy Covid look fits πŸ™‚ And its always good to include Buddy πŸ™‚


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